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Ko, E.-S., & McDonald, M. (2023). Korean infants' perceptual responses to Korean and Western music based on musical experience, Developmental Science. [video abstract]
Ko, E.-S., Abu-Zhaya, R., Kim, E., Kim, T., On, K., Kim, H., Zhang, B. & Seidl, A. (2023). Mothers’ use of touch across infants’ development and its implications for word learning: Evidence from Korean dyadic interactions, Infancy.
Kwon, T., Jeong, M., Ko, E.-S., Lee, Y. (2022) Captivate! Contextual Language Guidance for Parent-Child Interaction, CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, [ACM Best Paper Honorable Mention Award] [presentation video]
McDonald, M., Kwon, T., Kim, H., Lee, Y. & Ko, E.-S. (2021) Evaluating the LENA ® system for Korean, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64.3, 792-808.
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